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DELL TO Dairy (Venturing the Entrepreneurial Expedition)

Hii Friends,
             As I have committed to you all to publish the story of Mr. Santosh , who has left his cozy job in the corporate HQ, forego handsome salary& venturing out in to Dairy farming, so here I am fulfilling my commitment . Meet Mr. Santosh D Singh who is now a successful entrepreneur & founder of Amrutha Dairy farm. I was in utter surprise when I discovered this technical geek’s interest in Dairy farming which was quite unusual but after talking to Santosh,I discovered his passion & enthusiasm regarding dairy. If you will ever get a chance to come to Bangalore please visit his farm, don’t miss it because it’s just refreshing. You will definitely think about the great George Orwell& his famous book“Animal farm” which all of us might have read in School.

Early life:

After his B.E, like millions of students he started cherishing his dream in IT. He has spent almost a decade with IT giants like Dell, American Online in various positions.  Probably it’s the global exposure that has hammered the concept of own venture in his mind. However the lush green farm lands of Europe & US has added fuel to the fire to do something which will be quite close to mother nature.

Why Dairy Farming:

Santosh’s deep affection towards animals, birds & nature is quite evident from his farm presence. Despite being the owner of farm he loves to carry out many of the activities like cleaning the animals, feeding sometimes milking on his own. More over there is a growing demand for quality milk & related products. The margins associated with the milk products is quite lucrative, so it’s quite natural. I saw a great deal of opportunity in this sector, but as I didn’t have any expertise in the segment, I enrolled for full term training at National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI). As part of my education, I stayed over in functioning dairy farms to get a first-hand feel of staying next to livestock and tending to them. These stays at farms and the training gave me the confidence that rearing cows was something I would love to do long term and is indeed a lucrative vocation.

The Journey has started:

The toughest challenge that I faced was to convince my family. Once I convinced them half of my battle is over as they are provide a lot of confidence & mental support. My expertise in project management, process improvement, business intelligence, analytics, and resource management that i had accumulated over the years helped me a lot to set up the farm.
Initially I purchased 3 Acres of land & 3 Cows at Dodaballapur just 50 Km away from Bengaluru. This was being done with an intention of using this as weekend get way for City dwellers. But later when I decided to venture in to full fledge dairy farming, I decided to scale it up. Initially I had created a set up for 20 cows. The basic idea behind adding the cow head count is to increase the milk productivity & reaching a scale of around 1000- 15000Lts daily. To achieve this height 20 cows were not sufficient

Technical Support

 One of my NDRI instructors has suggested me to take the technical help from NABARD. They have Dairy venture capital fund & Dairy Entrepreneurship development scheme under which I got both financial & technical assistance and approached State Bank of Mysore to fund my project. With their advice I realized that in order to fully utilize the capacity I need to scale it up to 100 cows which was quite promising. However I scaled up my herd size to 85 cows and produced 750lts of milk per day.

Key Challenges: 

One of the major challenges that I faced during my initial days was the availability of green grass, which is the most important fodder for the cows. Due to natural calamity I had to face the hiccup in the supply side. It has increased the cost of feeding to many folds which affected my bottom line.

But as “Necessity is the mother of invention” I have found out hydroponics which enables growing of 1 ton of green fodder / day in a controlled environment at significantly low cost in comparison to commercially procured green fodder. The 18 months period that I spent with increase cost of capital is a great lesson for me. It helped me to strengthen my determination further &quest to find the solution against all types of odds.

Future Ideas:  

I am supporting a Dutch group of Dairy Business Professionals to setup a Cheese Production House in Bangalore, I am using my 5-6 years of business contacts built around Dairy to support this new business initiative.  I plan to conduct workshops in every major city of our country to help more and more dairy enthusiasts to understand the current dairy business scenario in a better way and this ensures success of all new dairy ventures as the expectations are well set before the  business is started. I believe in sharing the rich experience that was learned the hard way with lot of capital that was invested in my business and some of the mistakes that we made through our journey should not be repeated by wannabe dairy farmers.  I have been providing consulting support too and this is more like hand holding new dairy farm owners to get their act right.

Sources of Motivation:  The fact that I don’t have to wade through heavy traffic and pollution every day and being at farm gives me more lively experience and this keeps me on and on.  Well, there are other major factors that motivate me, I have had the privilege of meeting many great individuals in the last few years and most of these individuals came all the way  to my farm and these individuals  came from every corner of our country and not just them but also our people who have been working in different countries came all the way to my farm and to meet me and take support in  understanding every aspect of dairy business and in setting up new dairy business.  I have provided lot of support to them and now through dairy workshops that I conduct I am helping more and more individuals to get the dairy logic right.  I have started giving back to the system in a very healthy way and this means a lot to me.
